martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Waiting for changes

Un día con cámara en mano me fui hasta el barrio marinero de mi ciudad y fue cuando al mirar hacia arriba, me percate de que alguien se encontraba en lo mas alto descansando plácidamente en una tumbona. A medida que me fui acercando pude comprobar que se trataba de un maniquí y no de una persona, junto a este había un letrero que se leía "ESPERANDO A QUE CAMBIEN LAS COSAS". Sin duda una manera muy original por parte de la persona que lo creó de manifestar su desencanto por la actual situación que vivimos.

One day with chamber in I run I went away up to the seaworthy neighborhood of my city and it was when on having looked up, I notice that someone was in high mas resting placidly in a tumbona. As I was approaching I could verify that it was a question of a manikin and not of it presents, together with this one there was a sign that was read " HOPING THAT THEY CHANGE THE THINGS ". Undoubtedly a very original way on the part of the person who created it of demonstrating his disenchantment for the current situation through that we live.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

With the petrified look

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014

Containers of solidarity

Bueno, dado que hay seguidores a los que les encantaría ver esta imagen a color, me he decidido publicarla y así poder comparar, sinceramente a color gana bastante. Un saludo.

Well, since there are fans who would love to see a color image, I have decided to post so you can compare honestly earn enough color. A greeting.

Cuando llegamos al Monte do Gozo (Santiago de Compostela) nos encontramos con una iniciativa solidaria, se trataba de escribir un mensaje en un papel y posteriormente meterlo en un recipiente de aluminio, después se colgaban y todos ellos formaban un impresionante cielo multicolor. Pero a mi personalmente me encanta en B&N.

When we come to the Mount do Gozo (Santiago de Compostela) we meet a solidary initiative, it was a question of writing to him a message in a paper and later putting it in a container of aluminium, later they were hung and all of them were forming an impressive multicolored sky. But I personally love B & N.